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fun CloudStorage.get(key: CloudStorageKey, callback: (result: Result<CloudStorageValue>) -> Unit): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.get(keys: Array<CloudStorageKey>, callback: (result: Result<Array<CloudStorageValue>>) -> Unit): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.get(keys: Array<String>, callback: (result: Result<Array<CloudStorageValue>>) -> Unit): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.get(key: String, callback: (result: Result<CloudStorageValue>) -> Unit): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.get(key: String, key2: String, vararg otherKeys: String, callback: (result: Result<Array<CloudStorageValue>>) -> Unit): CloudStorage
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fun CloudStorage.getAll(callback: (result: Result<Map<CloudStorageKey, CloudStorageValue>>) -> Unit): CloudStorage
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abstract fun getItem(key: CloudStorageKey, callback: (e: Any?, value: CloudStorageValue?) -> Unit): CloudStorage
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abstract fun getItems(key: Array<CloudStorageKey>, callback: (e: Any?, values: Array<CloudStorageValue>?) -> Unit): CloudStorage
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fun CloudStorage.remove(key: CloudStorageKey, callback: (result: Result<Boolean>) -> Unit = {}): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.remove(keys: Array<CloudStorageKey>, callback: (result: Result<Boolean>) -> Unit = {}): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.remove(keys: Array<String>, callback: (result: Result<Boolean>) -> Unit = {}): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.remove(key: String, callback: (result: Result<Boolean>) -> Unit = {}): CloudStorage
fun CloudStorage.remove(key: String, key2: String, vararg otherKeys: String, callback: (result: Result<Boolean>) -> Unit = {}): CloudStorage
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abstract fun removeItem(key: CloudStorageKey, callback: (e: Any?, success: Boolean?) -> Unit = definedExternally): CloudStorage
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abstract fun removeItems(key: Array<CloudStorageKey>, callback: (e: Any?, success: Boolean?) -> Unit = definedExternally): CloudStorage
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fun CloudStorage.set(key: String, value: String, callback: (result: Result<Boolean>) -> Unit = {}): CloudStorage
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abstract fun setItem(key: CloudStorageKey, value: CloudStorageValue, callback: (e: Any?, success: Boolean?) -> Unit = definedExternally): CloudStorage