
data class MessageGameShortNameCallbackQuery(val id: CallbackQueryId, val from: CommonUser, val chatInstance: String, val message: ContentMessage<MessageContent>, val gameShortName: String) : GameShortNameCallbackQuery, MessageCallbackQuery


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constructor(id: CallbackQueryId, from: CommonUser, chatInstance: String, message: ContentMessage<MessageContent>, gameShortName: String)


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open override val chatInstance: String
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open override val from: CommonUser

The source User of this type

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open override val gameShortName: String
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open override val id: CallbackQueryId
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open override val user: CommonUser


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fun CallbackQuery.createAnswer(text: String? = null, showAlert: Boolean? = null, url: String? = null, cachedTimeSeconds: Int? = null): AnswerCallbackQuery