Data filled by subcontextInitialAction or in any other way
This parameter will be used to subscribe on different types of update
Will be called on any initial subcontext action before some consumer will be called
Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowUpdatesFilter.
Use this method to build bot behaviour and run it via long polling. In case you wish to get FlowsUpdatesFilter for additional manipulations, you must provide external FlowsUpdatesFilter in other buildBehaviour function.
Use this extension when you want to follow LiveLocation until it will became StaticLocation. This method is synchronous. You may use something like kotlinx.coroutines.launch or kotlinx.coroutines.async to run it asynchronously
This method will cancel ALL subsequent contexts, expectations and waiters
Will filter all the messages and include required commands with commandRegex.
Creates cold Flow with the messages with TextedContent where username has been mentioned
Creates cold Flow with the messages with TextedContent where user has been mentioned as text or mentioned with text
Creates cold Flow with the messages with TextedContent where userId has been mentioned with text
Creates cold Flow with the messages with TextedContent where username has been mentioned
Creates cold Flow with the messages with TextedContent where user has been mentioned as text or mentioned with text
Creates cold Flow with the messages with TextedContent where userId has been mentioned with text
This wait will be triggered only for stopped polls and polls, which are sent by the bot
This wait will be triggered only for stopped polls and polls, which are sent by the bot
This wait will be triggered only for stopped polls and polls, which are sent by the bot