Package-level declarations


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data class AffiliateInfo(val commissionPerMille: Int, val amount: Long, val nanostarAmount: Long, val affiliateUser: User? = null, val affiliateChat: PreviewChat? = null) : Amounted
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data class Invoice(val title: String, val description: String, val startParameter: StartParameter, val currency: Currency, val amount: Long) : Amounted, Currencied, ReplyInfo.External.ContentVariant
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data class LabeledPrice(val label: String, val amount: Long) : Amounted
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object LabeledPricesSerializer : KSerializer<List<LabeledPrice>>
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data class OrderInfo(val name: String?, val phoneNumber: String?, val email: String?, val shippingAddress: ShippingAddress?)

All the field of this class are nullable due to specific of OrderInfo from official bots api

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data class PreCheckoutQuery(val id: PreCheckoutQueryId, val from: User, val currency: Currency, val amount: Long, val invoicePayload: InvoicePayload, val shippingOptionId: ShippingOptionId? = null, val orderInfo: OrderInfo? = null) : Currencied, Amounted, FromUser
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data class RecurringInfo(val subscriptionExpirationDate: TelegramDate, val firstSubscriptionPeriod: Boolean)
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data class RefundedPayment(val currency: Currency, val amount: Long, val invoicePayload: String, val telegramPaymentChargeId: TelegramPaymentChargeId, val providerPaymentChargeId: String? = null) : Amounted, Currencied
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data class ShippingAddress(val countryCode: String, val city: String, val firstStreetLine: String, val secondStreetLine: String, val state: String = "", val postCode: String = "")
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data class ShippingOption(val id: ShippingOptionId, val title: String, val prices: List<LabeledPrice>) : Priced
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data class ShippingQuery(val id: ShippingQueryId, val from: User, val invoicePayload: InvoicePayload, val shippingAddress: ShippingAddress) : FromUser
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data class SuccessfulPayment(val currency: Currency, val amount: Long, val invoicePayload: String, val subscriptionExpirationDate: TelegramDate? = null, val isSubscriptionPayment: Boolean? = null, val isFirstPeriodPayment: Boolean? = null, val telegramPaymentChargeId: TelegramPaymentChargeId, val providerPaymentChargeId: String, val shippingOptionId: String? = null, val orderInfo: OrderInfo? = null) : Amounted, Currencied


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