
data class LiveLocationContent(val location: LiveLocation) : LocationContent

LocationContent which represents content with LiveLocation. In case you are tracking this content throw message changes, may evolve to StaticLocationContent

See also



Link copied to clipboard
constructor(location: LiveLocation)


Link copied to clipboard
open override val location: LiveLocation


Link copied to clipboard
open fun copy(location: Location = this.location)
Link copied to clipboard
open override fun createResend(chatId: ChatIdentifier, messageThreadId: MessageThreadId?, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId?, disableNotification: Boolean, protectContent: Boolean, replyParameters: ReplyParameters?, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup?): Request<ContentMessage<LiveLocationContent>>
open fun createResend(chatId: ChatIdentifier, messageThreadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyToMessageId: MessageId?, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): Request<out AccessibleMessage>