Package-level declarations


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data class AddressSecureValue(val data: DataCredentials) : SecureValueWithData
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data class BankStatementSecureValue(val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList(), val files: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : OtherDocumentsSecureValue
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data class CommonPassportSecureValue(val data: DataCredentials? = null, val frontSide: FileCredentials? = null, val selfie: FileCredentials? = null, val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : PassportSecureValue
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data class DriverLicenseSecureValue(val data: DataCredentials? = null, val frontSide: FileCredentials? = null, val reverseSide: FileCredentials? = null, val selfie: FileCredentials? = null, val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : IdentityWithReverseSideSecureValue
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data class IdentityCardSecureValue(val data: DataCredentials? = null, val frontSide: FileCredentials? = null, val reverseSide: FileCredentials? = null, val selfie: FileCredentials? = null, val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : IdentityWithReverseSideSecureValue
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data class InternalPassportSecureValue(val data: DataCredentials? = null, val frontSide: FileCredentials? = null, val selfie: FileCredentials? = null, val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : PassportSecureValue
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data class PassportRegistrationSecureValue(val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList(), val files: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : OtherDocumentsSecureValue
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data class RentalAgreementSecureValue(val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList(), val files: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : OtherDocumentsSecureValue
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data class SecureData(val personalDetails: PersonalDetailsSecureValue? = null, val passport: CommonPassportSecureValue? = null, val internalPassport: InternalPassportSecureValue? = null, val driverLicense: DriverLicenseSecureValue? = null, val identityCard: IdentityCardSecureValue? = null, val utilityBill: UtilityBillSecureValue? = null, val bankStatement: BankStatementSecureValue? = null, val rentalAgreement: RentalAgreementSecureValue? = null, val passportRegistration: PassportRegistrationSecureValue? = null, val temporaryRegistration: TemporalRegistrationSecureValue? = null)
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data class TemporalRegistrationSecureValue(val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList(), val files: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : OtherDocumentsSecureValue
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data class UtilityBillSecureValue(val translation: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList(), val files: List<FileCredentials> = emptyList()) : OtherDocumentsSecureValue