
data class ChatShared(val requestId: RequestId, val chatId: ChatId, val title: String? = null, val username: Username? = null, val photo: PhotoFile? = null) : ChatSharedRequest


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constructor(requestId: RequestId, chatId: ChatId, title: String? = null, username: Username? = null, photo: PhotoFile? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
@SerialName(value = "chat_id")
open override val chatId: ChatId
Link copied to clipboard
@SerialName(value = "photo")
val photo: PhotoFile? = null
Link copied to clipboard
@SerialName(value = "request_id")
open override val requestId: RequestId
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@SerialName(value = "title")
val title: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
@SerialName(value = "username")
val username: Username? = null