Package-level declarations


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class EntitiesBuilder(val separator: TextSource? = null)

This builder can be used to provide building of TextSources List

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typealias FileName = String

File name like hello.jpg

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object IntProgress100Serializer : KSerializer<Progress>
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object IntRGB24HEXAColorSerializer : KSerializer<HEXAColor>
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open class MatrixBuilder<T>
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@Serializable(with = MimeTypeSerializer::class)
expect class MimeType
@Serializable(with = MimeTypeSerializer::class)
actual class MimeType
@Serializable(with = MimeTypeSerializer::class)
actual class MimeType : MimeType
@Serializable(with = MimeTypeSerializer::class)
actual data class MimeType
@Serializable(with = MimeTypeSerializer::class)
actual data class MimeType
actual data class MimeType
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object MimeTypeSerializer : KSerializer<MimeType>
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value class RGBColor(val int: Int)
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open class RowBuilder<T>
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class TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper(token: String, hostUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, urlsSuffixes: String = "")
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object TimeSpanAsSecondsSerializer : KSerializer<TimeSpan>


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Default realization of KSLog which will be used everywhere where there is no some custom variant of KSLog

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Default tag for DefaultKTgBotAPIKSLog. You may change it and tag will be changed since the near logging

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expect suspend fun ByteReadChannel.asInput(): Input
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.asInput(): Input
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.asInput(): Input
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.asInput(): Input
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.asInput(): Input
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.asInput(): Input
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Version of EntitiesBuilder.blockquote with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.blockquote with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.bold with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.bold with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.botCommand with new line at the end

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inline fun buildEntities(separator: TextSource? = null, init: EntitiesBuilderBody): TextSourcesList
inline fun buildEntities(separator: String, init: EntitiesBuilderBody): List<TextSource>
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Version of EntitiesBuilder.cashTag with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.cashTag with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.code with new line at the end

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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.customEmojiln(customEmojiId: CustomEmojiId, vararg parts: TextSource): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.customEmoji with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.customEmoji with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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fun <T> Decoder.decodeDataAndJson(serializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>): Pair<T, JsonElement?>
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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.emailln(emailAddress: String): EntitiesBuilder

Version of with new line at the end

Version of with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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inline fun <T> flatMatrix(vararg elements: T): Matrix<T>
inline fun <T> flatMatrix(block: RowBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): Matrix<T>
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Version of EntitiesBuilder.hashtag with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.hashtag with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.italic with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.italic with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of with new line at the end

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fun <K, V> Map<K, V?>.mapNotNullValues(): Map<K, V>
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fun <K, V> mapOfNotNull(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V?>): Map<K, V>
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fun JsonObject.mapWithCommonValues(): Map<String, Any>
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inline fun <T> matrix(block: MatrixBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): Matrix<T>
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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.mentionln(whoToMention: String): EntitiesBuilder
inline fun EntitiesBuilder.mentionln(user: User, vararg parts: TextSource): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.mention with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.mention with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of with new line at the end

Version of with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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operator fun <T> RowBuilder<T>.plus(t: T): Boolean
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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.preln(code: String, language: String?): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.pre with new line at the end

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inline fun <T> row(block: RowBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): List<T>
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inline fun <T> MatrixBuilder<T>.row(vararg elements: T)
inline fun <T> MatrixBuilder<T>.row(block: RowBuilder<T>.() -> Unit)
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Version of EntitiesBuilder.spoiler with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.spoiler with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.strikethrough with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.strikethrough with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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fun <T : Any> T.toJson(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>): JsonObject
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fun <T : Any> T.toJsonWithoutNulls(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>): JsonObject
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Version of EntitiesBuilder.underline with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.underline with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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fun JsonArray.withoutNulls(): JsonArray
fun JsonObject.withoutNulls(): JsonObject