
data class ReplyParameters : WithMessageId, TextedInput


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constructor(chatIdentifier: ChatIdentifier, messageId: MessageId, entities: TextSourcesList, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(metaInfo: Message.MetaInfo, entities: TextSourcesList, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(message: Message, entities: TextSourcesList, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(chatIdentifier: ChatIdentifier, messageId: MessageId, quote: String, quoteParseMode: ParseMode, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(metaInfo: Message.MetaInfo, quote: String, quoteParseMode: ParseMode, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(message: Message, quote: String, quoteParseMode: ParseMode, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(chatIdentifier: ChatIdentifier, messageId: MessageId, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(metaInfo: Message.MetaInfo, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)
constructor(message: Message, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, quotePosition: Int? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "allow_sending_without_reply")
val allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null
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@SerialName(value = "chat_id")
val chatIdentifier: ChatIdentifier
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@SerialName(value = "message_id")
open override val messageId: MessageId
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@SerialName(value = "quote")
val quote: String? = null
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@SerialName(value = "quote_parse_mode")
val quoteParseMode: ParseMode? = null
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@SerialName(value = "quote_position")
val quotePosition: Int?
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open override val text: String?
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open override val textSources: List<TextSource>

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