Package-level declarations
Will use handleLiveLocation with replying to to each time new message will be sent by live location update
Will use handleLiveLocation with replying to toMessageId each time new message will be sent by live location update
This method will send message content to the chatId. In difference with copyMessage, this method will use native methods for data sending (like if inoming content is dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.content.PhotoContent)
This method will send message content to the chat. In difference with copyMessage, this method will use native methods for data sending (like if inoming content is dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.content.PhotoContent)
Will execute sendBotAction request
Will execute sendContact request
Will execute sendDice request
Will execute sendVideoNote request
Will execute sendGame request
Will execute sendStaticLocation request