
suspend fun <BC : BehaviourContext> BC.onCommandPrivacy(requireOnlyCommandInMessage: Boolean = true, initialFilter: CommonMessageFilter<TextContent>? = CommonMessageFilterExcludeMediaGroups, subcontextUpdatesFilter: CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, Boolean, TextMessage, Update>? = null, markerFactory: MarkerFactory<in TextMessage, Any>? = null, additionalSubcontextInitialAction: CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, Unit, Update, TextMessage>? = null, scenarioReceiver: CustomBehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<BC, Unit, TextMessage>)

Adding default handler for /privacy command

It is required handler in case you do not want your bot to be banned by telegram

suspend fun <BC : BehaviourContext> BC.onCommandPrivacy(textSources: List<TextSource>, requireOnlyCommandInMessage: Boolean = true, initialFilter: CommonMessageFilter<TextContent>? = CommonMessageFilterExcludeMediaGroups, subcontextUpdatesFilter: CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, Boolean, TextMessage, Update>? = null, allowPaidBroadcast: Boolean = false, additionalSubcontextInitialAction: CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, Unit, Update, TextMessage>? = null, markerFactory: MarkerFactory<in TextMessage, Any>? = null)

Adding default handler for /privacy command. It will send text message with textSources as text.

It is required handler in case you do not want your bot to be banned by telegram

suspend fun <BC : BehaviourContext> BC.onCommandPrivacy(text: String, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, requireOnlyCommandInMessage: Boolean = true, initialFilter: CommonMessageFilter<TextContent>? = CommonMessageFilterExcludeMediaGroups, subcontextUpdatesFilter: CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, Boolean, TextMessage, Update>? = null, allowPaidBroadcast: Boolean = false, additionalSubcontextInitialAction: CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, Unit, Update, TextMessage>? = null, markerFactory: MarkerFactory<in TextMessage, Any>? = null)

Adding default handler for /privacy command. It will send text message with text as text and parseMode if passed.

It is required handler in case you do not want your bot to be banned by telegram