Package-level declarations
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inline fun requestBotsReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, maxCount: Int = keyboardButtonRequestUserLimit.first, requestName: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestUserKeyboardButton
Creates RequestUserKeyboardButton with KeyboardButtonRequestUsers.Bot
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inline fun requestChannelReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, isPublic: Boolean? = null, isOwnedBy: Boolean? = null, userRightsInChat: ChatCommonAdministratorRights? = null, botRightsInChat: ChatCommonAdministratorRights? = null, botIsMember: Boolean = false, requestTitle: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestChatKeyboardButton
inline fun requestChannelReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, isForum: Boolean? = null, isPublic: Boolean? = null, isOwnedBy: Boolean? = null, userRightsInChat: ChatCommonAdministratorRights? = null, botRightsInChat: ChatCommonAdministratorRights? = null, botIsMember: Boolean? = null, requestTitle: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestChatKeyboardButton
Creates RequestChatKeyboardButton with KeyboardButtonRequestChat.Group
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inline fun requestChatReplyButton(text: String, requestChat: KeyboardButtonRequestChat): RequestChatKeyboardButton
Creates RequestChatKeyboardButton
inline fun requestChatReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, isChannel: Boolean? = null, isForum: Boolean? = null, isPublic: Boolean? = null, isOwnedBy: Boolean? = null, userRightsInChat: ChatCommonAdministratorRights? = null, botRightsInChat: ChatCommonAdministratorRights? = null, botIsMember: Boolean = false, requestTitle: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestChatKeyboardButton
Creates RequestChatKeyboardButton with KeyboardButtonRequestChat
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Creates RequestContactKeyboardButton
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Creates RequestLocationKeyboardButton
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inline fun requestPollReplyButton(text: String, pollType: KeyboardButtonPollType): RequestPollKeyboardButton
Creates RequestPollKeyboardButton
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inline fun requestUserOrBotReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, requestName: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestUserKeyboardButton
Creates RequestUserKeyboardButton with KeyboardButtonRequestUsers.Any
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inline fun requestUserReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, premiumUser: Boolean? = null, maxCount: Int = keyboardButtonRequestUserLimit.first, requestName: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestUserKeyboardButton
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inline fun requestUsersOrBotsReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, premiumUser: Boolean? = null, maxCount: Int = keyboardButtonRequestUserLimit.first, requestName: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestUserKeyboardButton
Creates RequestUserKeyboardButton with KeyboardButtonRequestUsers.Any
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inline fun requestUsersReplyButton(text: String, requestUser: KeyboardButtonRequestUsers): RequestUserKeyboardButton
Creates RequestUserKeyboardButton
inline fun requestUsersReplyButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, premiumUser: Boolean? = null, maxCount: Int = keyboardButtonRequestUserLimit.first, requestName: Boolean? = null, requestUsername: Boolean? = null, requestPhoto: Boolean? = null): RequestUserKeyboardButton
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Creates SimpleKeyboardButton
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Creates WebAppKeyboardButton