
data class SecureData(val personalDetails: PersonalDetailsSecureValue? = null, val passport: CommonPassportSecureValue? = null, val internalPassport: InternalPassportSecureValue? = null, val driverLicense: DriverLicenseSecureValue? = null, val identityCard: IdentityCardSecureValue? = null, val utilityBill: UtilityBillSecureValue? = null, val bankStatement: BankStatementSecureValue? = null, val rentalAgreement: RentalAgreementSecureValue? = null, val passportRegistration: PassportRegistrationSecureValue? = null, val temporaryRegistration: TemporalRegistrationSecureValue? = null)


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constructor(personalDetails: PersonalDetailsSecureValue? = null, passport: CommonPassportSecureValue? = null, internalPassport: InternalPassportSecureValue? = null, driverLicense: DriverLicenseSecureValue? = null, identityCard: IdentityCardSecureValue? = null, utilityBill: UtilityBillSecureValue? = null, bankStatement: BankStatementSecureValue? = null, rentalAgreement: RentalAgreementSecureValue? = null, passportRegistration: PassportRegistrationSecureValue? = null, temporaryRegistration: TemporalRegistrationSecureValue? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "bank_statement")
val bankStatement: BankStatementSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "driver_license")
val driverLicense: DriverLicenseSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "identity_card")
val identityCard: IdentityCardSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "internal_passport")
val internalPassport: InternalPassportSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "passport")
val passport: CommonPassportSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "passport_registration")
val passportRegistration: PassportRegistrationSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "personal_details")
val personalDetails: PersonalDetailsSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "rental_agreement")
val rentalAgreement: RentalAgreementSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "temporary_registration")
val temporaryRegistration: TemporalRegistrationSecureValue? = null
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@SerialName(value = "utility_bill")
val utilityBill: UtilityBillSecureValue? = null