
data class VideoContent(val media: VideoFile, val text: String? = null, val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList(), val spoilered: Boolean = false, val quote: TextQuote? = null) : VisualMediaGroupPartContent


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constructor(media: VideoFile, text: String? = null, textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList(), spoilered: Boolean = false, quote: TextQuote? = null)


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open override val media: VideoFile
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open override val quote: TextQuote? = null
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open override val spoilered: Boolean = false
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open override val text: String? = null
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open override val textSources: TextSourcesList

Full list of TextSources


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open override fun asTelegramMedia(): TelegramMediaVideo
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open fun createResend(chatId: ChatIdentifier, messageThreadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyToMessageId: MessageId?, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): Request<out AccessibleMessage>
open override fun createResend(chatId: ChatIdentifier, messageThreadId: MessageThreadId?, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId?, disableNotification: Boolean, protectContent: Boolean, replyParameters: ReplyParameters?, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup?): Request<ContentMessage<VideoContent>>