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constructor(photos: List<PhotoSize>)


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open override val fileId: FileId
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open override val fileSize: Long?
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open override val fileUniqueId: TgFileUniqueId
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open override val size: Int


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open operator override fun contains(element: PhotoSize): Boolean
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open override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<PhotoSize>): Boolean
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open operator override fun get(index: Int): PhotoSize
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open override fun indexOf(element: PhotoSize): Int
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open override fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<PhotoSize>
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open override fun lastIndexOf(element: PhotoSize): Int
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open override fun listIterator(): ListIterator<PhotoSize>
open override fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<PhotoSize>
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inline fun TextSourcesList.makeMarkdownV2String(eachLineSeparator: String? = null): String
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inline fun TextSourcesList.makeString(parseMode: ParseMode? = null): String
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operator fun List<TextSource>.plus(text: String): List<TextSource>
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This method will prepare TextSources list for messages. Remember, that first part will be separated with captionLength and all others with

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fun List<TextSource>.separateForMessage(limit: IntRange, numberOfParts: Int? = null): List<List<TextSource>>
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This method will prepare TextSources list for messages with textLength

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This method will prepare TextSources list for messages. Remember, that first part will be separated with captionLength and all others with

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fun List<TextSource>.splitForMessage(limit: IntRange, numberOfParts: Int? = null): List<List<TextSource>>
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This method will prepare TextSources list for messages with textLength

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open override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<PhotoSize>