Package-level declarations


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@Serializable(with = TelegramMediaSerializer::class)
sealed interface TelegramFreeMedia : TelegramMedia
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@Serializable(with = TelegramMediaSerializer::class)
sealed interface TelegramMedia
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Represents a general file to be sent. See

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object TelegramMediaSerializer : KSerializer<TelegramMedia>
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@Serializable(with = TelegramMediaSerializer::class)
sealed interface TelegramPaidMedia : TelegramMedia
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data class TelegramPaidMediaPhoto(val file: InputFile) : VisualTelegramPaidMedia
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data class TelegramPaidMediaVideo(val file: InputFile, val thumb: InputFile? = null, val width: Int? = null, val height: Int? = null, val duration: Long? = null, val supportsStreaming: Boolean = false) : VisualTelegramPaidMedia, SizedTelegramMedia, DuratedTelegramMedia, ThumbedTelegramMedia
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fun TelegramMediaAnimation(file: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, width: Int? = null, height: Int? = null, duration: Long? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null): TelegramMediaAnimation
fun TelegramMediaAnimation(file: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, width: Int? = null, height: Int? = null, duration: Long? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null): TelegramMediaAnimation
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fun TelegramMediaAudio(file: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, duration: Long? = null, performer: String? = null, title: String? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null): TelegramMediaAudio
fun TelegramMediaAudio(file: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, duration: Long? = null, performer: String? = null, title: String? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null): TelegramMediaAudio
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fun TelegramMediaDocument(file: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, thumb: InputFile? = null, disableContentTypeDetection: Boolean? = null): TelegramMediaDocument
fun TelegramMediaDocument(file: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null, disableContentTypeDetection: Boolean? = null): TelegramMediaDocument
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fun TelegramMediaPhoto(file: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false): TelegramMediaPhoto
fun TelegramMediaPhoto(file: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false): TelegramMediaPhoto
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fun TelegramMediaVideo(file: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, width: Int? = null, height: Int? = null, duration: Long? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null): TelegramMediaVideo
fun TelegramMediaVideo(file: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, width: Int? = null, height: Int? = null, duration: Long? = null, thumb: InputFile? = null): TelegramMediaVideo
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fun AudioFile.toTelegramMediaAudio(textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList(), title: String? = this.title): TelegramMediaAudio
fun AudioFile.toTelegramMediaAudio(text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, title: String? = this.title): TelegramMediaAudio
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fun PhotoSize.toTelegramMediaPhoto(textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList(), spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false): TelegramMediaPhoto
fun PhotoSize.toTelegramMediaPhoto(text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, spoilered: Boolean = false, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false): TelegramMediaPhoto